Strategic Lunches

Are you scheduling lunch with someone who could refer business to you?

It is often easier to order in and sit at your desk to clear off the to-do list, but getting out and meeting with people is essential to creating business opportunities.

In his book NEVER EAT ALONE, Keith Ferrazzi talks about why it’s important to strategically plan your meals so that you are constantly building your network and developing relationships. Members who have read this book and implemented some of his ideas have seen an increase in business just from getting out and being with people.

A few years ago, Select had two members who decided to meet twice a month for lunch. During the first meeting each month Bob would bring one of his clients for James to meet. During the second meeting James would bring one of his clients for Bob to meet. After two years of doing this, each had grown their business significantly, just from the lunch introductions.

If you are eating alone, consider inviting someone from Select Business Team to join you. Focus your conversations on different clients who you are currently working with, how you are helping those clients and what your next steps are with each client.

From those discussions, explore how you might be able to help each other and create opportunities for each other. Sometimes the chance to create opportunities will be right in front of you and sometimes your lunch partner will say something that prompts inspired action.

Share your success stories and tell us how scheduling strategic lunches helps your business.